You Must Do This For Labor Day…

Give yourself permission to rest and play for Labor Day. All day today. It’s an absolute must. 

This ever happen to you? Whenever I’m struggling with a problem about the business or my goals and I leave Los Angeles, even for a day, everything seems more clear. Usually, I come back pumped and ready to attack my goals from a different angle. When we let go and totally commit to playing or resting, those doors that seemed so jammed in our mind — become open. 

Rest and play are not luxuries — they’re a necessity. Especially to an artist like you and me. 

So, get out there and do something for you that makes you laugh. A movie by yourself, call a friend and just catch up or take a nap. Don’t worry, tomorrow we will be back at it and I’ll be in your mind asking you to THINK BIGGER! 

Until Then, 
